The Southern Medical University
Examination of the First Clinical Medical College
Autumn term, 2010 Academic Year
Exchange Student of Grade 2006
Examination Paper of Neurology (Paper...)
Part I: Select the correct answer by marking the appropriate capital letter. There is only one correct answer.
1. Lesion in inferior frontal gyrus causes:
A. Defect in articulation
B. Incomprehension of written language
C. Incomprehension of spoken language
D. Motor Aphasia
2. All are pyramidal tract lesion, Except:
A. Involuntary movement
B. Positive Babinski's sign
C. Spasticity
D. Increased deep tendon reflexes
3. Upper motor neuron is characterised by:
A. Weakness & spasticity
B. Fasciculations
C. Rigidity
D. Localised muscle atrophy
4. Fasciculation is seen in:
A. UMN type of lesion
B. LMN type of lesion
C. Myoneural junction
D. Peripheral neuropathy
5. Which is not affected in lesion of p
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